here's d 1st team who go out n eat dinner 1st... v actually shift for us to eat... LOL... imagine tat..
location: BRJ mamak...
seems like winky "fisihin"....
angie wit d hair-dryer... d hair-dryer act as our fan!!!!! =.="
helpin out wit d "canopy".... figurin where to tied... shakin d pipe so tat d string will come out...
even tabs dun hav time to sit down n eat!!!! she's actually supportin d "canopy" even if it doesn't seem like she's supportin it...
some of us doin d "TT Taxi"... LOLz.... v really hav creative ideas... no jk...
d board!!! every1 havin hard time to put it down.. shen yee (PnP director) even did some count like 1,2,1,2,1,2..... :p... n angie so scare d catS will eat d deco... =.="
goin around coll to paste direction to our audition booth.... angie fetch us go around d campus...
harrrr??!!?! audition up on top of d tree?!?! ermmmm...
winky n eugene settle d crew TAGS....
oh ya... i hav no idea who givs d suggestion of puttin metal can behind "TT Taxi" to attract juniors attention... ermmm... somethin like d weddin concept...
as usual, v wrap d post up wit some committee posin here n there... ^^,
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